Wasp & Bee Control
Whilst wasps and bees are essential elements of the British garden and the ecosystem in general, they can become a nuisance or even a hazard.
With careful Verminoff management you can rest assured that they will present no problem but still perform their vital roles.
Our prices for wasp treatments start from £35 – contact us now for a quote.
Most wasp nests can be controlled in two hours, allowing life or work to continue as normal. 20 to 30 square meters will need to kept clear of the nest after treatment. Activity at the nest site should decrease after 40 minutes.

Apart from the occasional individual wasp all activity should cease after one hour 30 minutes.
Late afternoon treatments are very effective.
A powder treatment directly into the nest is the best approach and even large nests can be neutralised in two hours. The dead nest can be left in place as it is never used again, so difficult to reach nests are not a problem.
Some spray treatments are also effective.
Bumble Bees
These can sometimes be dug up and moved elsewhere or encouraged to move with smoke.
Honey Bees
When in a swarm can be gathered up, boxed and moved, or smoked to encourage them to move off.
Although larger than wasps tend to be a more placid, can be a nuisance. Powder treatments particularly good, also spray treatments are effective.